Save money with this motion detector; your lighting will only be switched on for as long as you need it.
Customise your pendant light with a vintage effect metal lamp holder.
A power strip like you've never seen before. Stylish, elegant and functional, your lights and electrical appliances will be dying to use it!
Charge your electrical devices using your designer PowerCube unit.
Charge multiple electrical devices to the same socket: your household appliances, lights, computer or audio equipment.
Protect your home, business, garden shed or caravan quickly and easily during your holidays.
Control your lamps and electrical appliances remotely from your bed.
Make your electrical appliances and lighting fixtures safe from the risk of lightning strike.
Using just your foot, turn off all your connected electrical appliances and lights.
Triple up your sockets to plug in your electrical appliances and lights.
Install or change your doorbell easily, in seconds, with this wireless door chime.
Ideal for protecting your medicine cabinet, tools, garden shed or simply your entrances (doors / windows).
Easily install or replace your doorbell with this wireless doorbell – no wiring necessary.