Remote controls


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  • €7.00 - €60.00

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Set of 2 connected LED bulbs and remote control

Control your lighting as you wish, remotely, using a remote control, your smartphone, or voice control

Keychain remote control

Light your lamps and close your shutters with your fingertips

16-channel DiO 1.0 remote control unit

A remote control that lets you control your whole house from the sofa.

Programmable 16-channel remote control

Remotely control and program the activation times of your DiO accessories

3-channel DiO remote control + 1 group

Control your lamps, power-assisted systems or electrical devices anywhere in your home.

Programmable 1-channel DiO remote control

Control your lamps or electrical devices from anywhere.

Remote control for shutters

Control your shutters at the click of a button.