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Commandes sans fil

Control your whole home easily from your sofa, your bed, or any room in the house. Imagine a remote control that closes all the shutters, turns down the heating, and switches off the lights when you leave—all with just one click. Or a switch beside your bed to activate a wake-up scenario that switches on the bathroom heating and the coffee maker, and opens the shutters gradually for a gentle awakening. Or, finally, the lights on your landing light up automatically when you go by and switch off a few minutes later to avoid any unnecessary consumption. All of this is possible thanks to DiO scalable and wireless controls

Move or add a switch without pulling any cables

Your switch is located on the wrong side of the door or room, or you are lacking a switch and you want an easy way to install a two-way switch? Thanks to our wireless switches, there is no more need to pull cables or create grooves. Connect a receiver module on one side, affix a wireless switch on the other side, and the job's done! Shutter, lighting, heating...everything can be controlled remotely thanks to DiO!

Our wireless switches

Control your home from the sofa with a DiO remote control

Keychain remote control to open your gate from the car, programmable remote control to automate the opening and closing of your roller shutters at the desired times, or remote control with individual and grouped controls to control your lamps and other electrical devices from your sofa.

To our remote controls

Automate your lighting for greater economy

You can easily install automatic lighting triggered by the opening of a door or by motion detection. Your lights go on automatically and off after a timer period programmed according to your habits, for optimum convenience.

To our detectors