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A fine and elegant extension adapted to your interior.
Protect your electrical appliances and lights from lightning with this surge protection power strip.
Make your home secure with a simulated presence by automatically switching devices on and off at scheduled times.
Don't bother with batteries anymore... Once installed, your doorbell takes care of the rest.
Thanks to your extension, you will have power wherever you need it!
Remotely control your lights and electrical appliances with the remote control provided.
Add a touch of elegance to your decoration with a hanging lamp 100% imagined by you.
Save energy and money by switching your electrical garden devices off automatically.
A fine and elegant extension adapted to your interior.
Charge multiple electrical devices to the same socket: your household appliances, lights, computer or audio equipment.
See who is at your gate or door before opening it.
Charge several devices on the same socket at the same time.
Turn on or off only some of your connected appliances and lights with this dual-switch power strip.
With this power strip with switch, don't leave your electrical appliances and lights on standby ever again.
A stylish unit to plug in your electrical appliances and lights.